Wednesday, December 24, 2008
Christmas Eve
It's Christmas Eve and all is calm. We had our Christmas dinner this afternoon and we are all stuffed. We had Turkey, dressing, macaroni and cheese, green bean casserole, and mashed potatoes and all kinds of other stuff. I feel like I need to walk a mile or two, but I have too much cooking to do to get ready for tomorrow. We are going to my mother-n-laws house and doing it all again. Maybe I will not eat as much tomorrow. I will be glad when all the holidays are over, as much as I enjoy them, I will be glad to get back to work and start going through the boxes. I hope everyone has a wonderful Christmas and a happy holiday. Thanks again for supporting
Sunday, December 21, 2008
New Content

I haven’t gotten any new boxes in about a week; I apologize for our lack of new content on the website. I am trying to get through the holidays before I get any more new boxes. We are moving everything into a new warehouse, and I think we are almost completely moved. This has given me a chance to really see all that my father-n-law has. It is more than anybody could believe. It will take us years to go through all the boxes he has.
There are around 200 golf clubs. I am not sure why he has some many golf clubs; I think he was collecting them at one point. I will get them on soon. We also have boxes of china, I am not sure if I should post them onto the website or not. I am afraid they will not be easy to ship because they are so fragile. I wish we could have gotten all the Christmas items onto the website before the first of December, but we will get them all on for next year. I also have to get started on all the dolls my mother-n-laws has. That was the original reason we started Her collection of dolls is impressive. I will get back to work right after the holidays and we will have new content every week. Thanks again for everyone who continues to be supportive while we get up and going.
There are around 200 golf clubs. I am not sure why he has some many golf clubs; I think he was collecting them at one point. I will get them on soon. We also have boxes of china, I am not sure if I should post them onto the website or not. I am afraid they will not be easy to ship because they are so fragile. I wish we could have gotten all the Christmas items onto the website before the first of December, but we will get them all on for next year. I also have to get started on all the dolls my mother-n-laws has. That was the original reason we started Her collection of dolls is impressive. I will get back to work right after the holidays and we will have new content every week. Thanks again for everyone who continues to be supportive while we get up and going.
Thursday, December 18, 2008
Hillbilly Family
OK I know these are not old, vintage or antique but they are collectible. These are for the hard core collector (just kidding); however, I do think they make great Christmas presents. The hillbilly hunter, the hillbilly farmer and the hillbilly family would be delighted over these cute pieces. Think of the fun you will have watching someone unwrap the country school bus. The true hillbilly would be grateful for something so thoughtful. Maybe because I am from the south, but I think these make great junk to set around as knickknacks.
Sunday, December 14, 2008
Boxes, boxes and more boxes

Just in case anyone was worried about Junkables running out of content to put on the website, I have taken some pictures of our warehouse. Above are pictures of just one row of boxes and there are at least 20 more rows like that one. We are working hard trying to get everything on the site. We would like to thank everyone for your support and patients while we get our store up and running. Please stop by often to check out new items we have.
Friday, December 12, 2008
Vintage Christmas

Happy Holiday
We are getting closer to the holidays. There are only 13 days until Christmas and we still have lots of Christmas items to put on the website ( I wish we could have had all the vintage Christmas items on the website, but we just didn’t have the time. We hope to have everything on the site by next Christmas. We will also have all the yard sale items on the site in the next couple of months. We are working hard trying to get all the content onto the site. The Christmas angles we added to the site this week are beautiful; there are also a set of the old bubble lights and ornaments. We will continue to add new items to the site every week or so. Hope everyone has a happy holiday. Thanks
Thursday, December 11, 2008
Happy Holidays
All of us here at Junkables would like to wish everyone a merry Christmas and happy holidays. This has been a good year for the Junkable's crew, even though we have only been in business for 3 months we are like family and enjoy spending time together. We have worked very hard and had a good time along the way. I hope that the coming year is as fun and enjoyable as this year has been. We are dedicated to really growing our website and perfecting it to be one of the best. We realize we have a long road ahead of us, but we are willing to put in the time. We would truly appreciate any feedback anyone would be willing to give. Just go to and click on the feedback page. We are currently working on our calendar page and would like to have it finished by the end of this year for 2009. We will have lots of dates for the upcoming flea markets and events. If you would like for us to email you when we have gather all the dates just let us know and we would be happy to send you an update. Thanks again and have a great holiday.
happy holiday,
Merry Christmas
Tuesday, December 9, 2008
I have not gotten any new boxes this week. I am still trying to sort through the last six boxes. It his been a major task trying to unpack everything and then logging it on the database for the website ( and then repacking it and numbering each box as I go. I am going to take the six boxes I have now back and get six new ones. I will have new ones this weekend to go through. Can't wait to see what treasure I find in the next box.
Monday, December 8, 2008
Vintage Christmas Decorations

I still think the cat Christmas ornament is my favorite piece so far. I also found a box of the old noma bubble lights and they still work. This seems like a never ending process of going through box after box. I will still be going through boxes a year from now. Don't forget to check us out on line at
Saturday, December 6, 2008
Vintage Christmas Ornaments

Saturday, November 22, 2008
Art Deco Ceiling Light

Found this great Art Deco Ceiling Light, or a least I think it is art deco. If anyone knows any different please let me know. It is a beautiful piece, the picture really doesn't do it justice. The light is in very good shape to have been hauled around as much as it has been. It has been boxed up for at least 5 years maybe longer.
Friday, November 21, 2008
Thursday, November 20, 2008
Ocarina Flute
OK it took me a while to figure out what this was. It is heavy and is in pretty good shape. I search eBay and finally found one like it. It is a musical instrument; Ocarina Flute I think. If this is not the correct name for it please let me know.
Wednesday, November 19, 2008
Antiques and Collectibles Old Bottle
I am amazed that this old bottle was not broken and in decent shape. It was in the bottom of a box I was going through. “The Old Blend Whisky of the White Horse Cellar - established in 1742. The label is in pretty good shape and it still has the cap. If you are interested in seeing all the items we are going through, please stop by our website.
It has been a lot of work but I think it will be worth it in the end.
Tuesday, November 18, 2008
Flash Gordon Comic Strips great treasure of the day: a collection of old Flash Gordon newspaper clippings. Someone had taken lots of time and energy gathering lots of comic strips of Flash Gordon. The papers are very old and are crumbling at the edges. They are from the Post-Dispatch and some are dated Sunday October 29, 1939. If you are a Flash Gordon fan you have to see this.
Monday, November 17, 2008
Vintage Cameras

Today I found vintage cameras. Kodak Hawkeye - ILOCA (German I think) - a 420 Polaroid and a Model 80 Polaroid with the case and Flash. I think I am getting the "disease", because I am getting more and more excited about going through the boxes. I am going to have to limit myself to one or two boxes a day. It seems to be too overwhelming when I go through 4 at a time. I have to open up every box and drag everything out just to see what is inside the boxes and then I have to take pictures of each item for the website and load it onto a database. My basement now looks like a junk store. Oh well it is all worth it.
Saturday, November 15, 2008
Legend Products, Chalk Heads

Today I uncovered a box of Legend Products - (Made in England) heads. There are over 20 heads. To a collector of chalk items this would be a great treasure.
Legend Products
Today I found a entire box of Legend Products - Made in England heads. There are around 20 different heads.
Friday, November 14, 2008
Junkables and Collectibles

Today I found a scrapbook of newspaper clippings from 1918. It was full of clipping from the Chicago Tribune of World War I. There were at least 20 pages of clippings. Most were from 1918 but some were from 1941. The other treasures for the day was a set of 4 Bethel Missouri Plates, a Gene Autry Cap Gun.
Wednesday, November 12, 2008
I am going through my father-n-law collection of vintage items (junk) that he has collected for over 30 years. He has some much stuff, they had to rent a warehouse just to store everything, We are going through one box at a time and putting it onto a website. Each box I open holds some unique treasure, it has been like Christmas everyday and overwhelming. You can't imagine how many boxes he has. One of the neatest things I have found so far is a wooden box with a cross, holy water cup, candle holder, and a scripture from I think 1957. It has special metal on the back of the Cross, cup and plates. I am sure it was used for a Priest to carry with him to read the Last Rights to the sick. He also has several old cap guns and holsters. I will keep posting on the different items I find.
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